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Developmental Soccer

K5 Spring Sign up

Soccer games can happen anywhere there’s a ball! Around the world people play on docks and sidewalks, in alleys and streets and front yards. All that playfulness is great for kids.

Play Where You Stay is a developmental soccer program for kids in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Play Where You Stay connects soccer coaches and equipment with children and open space. We identify disused lots or park space within neighborhoods and set up weekday afternoons.

Play Where You Stay costs $10/week for as much coaching and as many days as you want. That means you can come 1,2,3,4 or 5 days a week. Enrollment is rolling, which means you can sign up to join in whenever your schedule allows. No one is turned away who can’t pay.

K-5 Practice Calendar

Play Where We Play!

Play Where You Stay provides barrier-free soccer programming to help kids learn the world’s greatest game. We select our coaches to represent the world wide sport of soccer: passionate, international, and skilled. Our coaches are in Memphis teaching, going to school, working. They hold in common a love for the game and a gift for coaching.